Sponsilier and I expected to accompany the outfit, but at the last moment our plans were changed by an incident and we remained behind, promising to overtake them later.There were a number of old buffalo hunters in town, living a precarious life, and one of their number had quietly informed Sheriff Wherry that they had been approached with an offer of five dollars a day to act as an escort to the herds while passing through.The quarantine captain looked upon that element as a valuable ally, suggesting that if it was a question of money, our side ought to be in the market for their services.Heartily agreeing with him, the company of guards started, leaving their captain behind with Sponsilier and myself.Glendive was a county seat, and with the assistance of the sheriff, we soon had every buffalo hunter in the town corralled.They were a fine lot of rough men, inclined to be convivial, and with the assistance of Sheriff Wherry, coupled with the high standing of the quarantine captain, on a soldier's introduction Dave and I made a good impression among them.
Sponsilier did the treating and talking, his offer being ten dollars a day for a man and horse, which was promptly accepted, when the question naturally arose who would stand sponsor for the wages.Dave backed off some distance, and standing on his left foot, pulled off his right boot, shaking out a roll of money on the floor.
"There's the long green, boys," said he, "and you fellows can name your own banker.I'll make it up a thousand, and whoever you say goes with me.Shall it be the sheriff, or Mr.Retallac, or the proprietor of the Stock Exchange?"Sheriff Wherry interfered, relieving the embarrassment in appointing a receiver, and vouched that these two Texans were good for any reasonable sum.The buffalo hunters approved, apologizing to Sponsilier, as he pulled on his boot, for questioning his financial standing, and swearing allegiance in every breath.An hour's time was granted in which to saddle and make ready, during which we had a long chat with Sheriff Wherry and found him a valuable ally.He had cattle interests in the country, and when the hunters appeared, fifteen strong, he mounted his horse and accompanied us several miles on the way.
"Now, boys," said he, at parting, "I'll keep an eye over things around town, and if anything important happens, I'll send a courier with the news.If those shorthorns attempt to offer any opposition, I'll run a blazer on them, and if necessary I'll jug the pair.You fellows just buffalo the herds, and the sheriff's office will keep cases on any happenings around Glendive.It's understood that night or day your camp can be found on Cabin Creek, opposite the old eagle tree.Better send me word as soon as the herds arrive.Good luck to you, lads."Neither wagons nor guards were even sighted during our three hours' ride to the appointed campground.On our arrival tents were being pitched and men were dragging up wood, while the cooks were busily preparing a late dinner, the station being fully fifteen miles south of the railroad.Scouts were thrown out during the afternoon, corrals built, and evening found the quarantine camp well established for the comfort of its ninety-odd men.The buffalo hunters were given special attention and christened the "Sponsilier Guards;" they took again to outdoor life as in the old days.The report of the scouts was satisfactory; all three of the herds had been seen and would arrive on schedule time.A hush of expectancy greeted this news, but Sponsilier and I ridiculed the idea that there would he any opposition, except a big talk and plenty of bluffing.