
第69章 Endnotes (8)

Madison:"It Is a compact between thirteen sovereignties."In the Resolutions of 1798he says:"The powers of the Federal Government result from a compact to which the States are parties."Again says Madison:"In case of a deliberate,palpable,and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted in the compact,the States who are parties thereto have the right,and are In duty bound to interpose."In the Convention of Massachusetts which adopted the Constitution,Judge Parsons said:"The government and powers which the Congress can administer are the more result of a compact."Washington perpetually spoke of the ratification of the Constitution asACCEDING to a COMPACT (See letter to Bushrod Washington,Nov.10,1797;to General Knox,June 17,1788;to John Jay,July 20,1788;to Gouverneur Morris,December 141789.)Jefferson,in the Kentucky Resolutions,says:"The States are not united on the principle of unlimited submission to the General Government,but by that of COMPACT,"

&c.Mr.Webster,In his great speech to the young men of Albany,1851,called the Constitution a "COMPACT."Thus it is certain that the framers of the Constitution thought they were ****** a "compact between sovereign States."And the INTENTION of the framers and parties to an instrument is the LAW in the case.?[C.C.B.]

19.In the Constitutional convention,Governor Patterson,of New Jersey,said:"Let us consider with what powers we are sent here.The basis of our present authority is founded on a revision of the Articles of the present Confederation,and to alter and amend them in parts where they may appear defective The object was not to form a new government,but to "alter and amend"that which already existed.?[C.C.B.]

20.There was a party In the Convention,which,though in the minority,was respectable for its intellect,which wanted to form a national or consolidated government.From the opening of the Convention in May,until the 25th of June,there had been a resolution that "A national government ought to be established."

But on the last mentioned date it was moved to strike out this word "National,"

and Insert in its place "United States."This passed overwhelmingly in the affirmative,and thus ended the business of a national government.

On this occasion Governor Patterson said:"Can we,on this ground,(of amending the Articles of Confederation),form a national government?I fancy not.Our commissions give no complexion to the business,and we cannot suppose that when we exceed the bounds of our duty,the people will approve our proceedings.

We are met here as the deputies of thirteen Independent sovereign States,for federal purposes.Can we consolidate their sovereignty,and form one nation,and annihilate the sovereignties of our States,who have sent us here for other purposes?I declare that I never will consent to such a system.Myself or my State never will submit to tyranny or despotism."

Luther Martain said:"The General Government is only Intended to protect and guard the rights of the States,AS STATES.The basis of all ancient and modern confederacies is the ******* and the independency of the States composing them."Such were the ideas which prevailed In the framing and adoption of the Constitution.(See Elliot's Debates,Madison's and Martain's Reports.)?[C.C.B.]

21.This fact proves beyond dispute that the Union is a government of States as independent communities,and not of the people as one body.When the Constitution was adopted and the present Union went into operation in 1799,there were eleven States having fifty-nine representatives,of which four States had thirty-two,while the other seven had but twenty-seven,and yet the minority of the people could elect the President and dispense all the powers of the Union.In 1790,when the first census was taken,four States had a population of one million seven hundred and ten thousand,while the other nine had only one million three hundred and ninety thousand.Thus four States,having a majority of the population,had but eight senators,while the nine States,with a minority of the people,had eighteen senators.That,surely,was not a government of the whole people,as one body,but of the States as sovereign communities.When the second census was taken,in 1800,the total population was four million two hundred and forty-seven thousand,of which four States had two million two hundred and twenty-six thousand,and the other twelve had two million twenty-one thousand.Then four States had a majority of the whole people of two hundred and fire thousand,but they had only eight votes in the Senate,and eighty-two for President;while the twelve States,with a minority of population,had twenty-four votes in the Senate and ninety-one for President.

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