
第64章 Endnotes (3)

"And,therefore,for ourselves and the inhabitants of the several colonies whom we represent,firmly agree,and associate,under the sacred ties of virtue,honor and love of our country,as follows."They then proceed to recommend a certain course of proceeding,such as non-importation and non-consumption of certain British productions;they recommended the appointment of a committee in every county,city and town,to watch their fellow-citizens,in order to ascertain whether or not "any person within the limits of their appointment has violated this association";and if they should find any such,it is their duty to report them,"to the end,that all such foes to The rights of British America may lie publicly known,and universally contemned as the enemies of American liberty;and,thenceforth,we respectively will break off all dealings with him or her."They also resolve,that they will "have no trade,commerce,dealings or intercourse whatsoever,with any colony or province in North America,which shall all not accede to,or which shall hereafter violate this association,but will hold them as unworthy of the rights of freemen,and as inimical to the liberties of their country."

This looks very little like the legislation of the "general or national government"of a "nation de facto."The most important measures of general concern are rested upon no stronger foundation than "the sacred ties of virtue,honor,and the love of our country,"and have no higher sanction than public contempt and exclusion from the ordinary intercourse of society.

7.That the powers granted to the delegates to the second Congress were substantially the same with those granted to the delegates to the first,will appear from the following extracts from their credentials:New Hampshire."To consent and agree to all measures,which said Congress shall deem necessary to obtain redress of American grievances."Delegates appointed by a Convention.

Massachusetts."To concert,agree upon,direct and order (in concert with the delegates of the other colonies)"such further measures as to them shall appear to be the best calculated for the recovery and establishment of American rights and liberties,and for restoring harmony between Great Britain and the colonies"Delegates appointed by Provincial Congress.

Connecticut."To join,consult and advise with the other colonies in British America,on proper measures for advancing the best good of the colonies."Delegates appointed by the Colonial House of Representatives.

The colony of New York was not represented in this Congress,but delegates were appointed by a convention of deputies from the city and county of New York,the city and county of Albany,and the counties of Dutchess Ulster,Orange,Westchester,Kings and Suffolk.They gave their delegates power to "concert and determine upon such measures as shall be judged most effectual for the preservation and re-establishment of American rights and privileges,and for the restoration of harmony between Great Britain and the colonies."Queen's County approved of the proceeding.

Pennsylvania.Simply to "attend the general Congress."

Delegates appointed by Provincial Assembly.

New Jersey."To attend the continental Congress,and to report their proceedings at the next session of the General Assembly."

Delegates appointed by the Colonial Assembly.

Delaware."To concert and am upon such further measures,as shall appear to them best calculated for the accommodation of the unhappy differences between Great Britain and the colonies on a constitutional foundation,which the House most ardently wish for,and that they report their proceedings to the next session of General Assembly."Delegates appointed by the Assembly.

Maryland "To consent and agree to all measures,Which said Congress shall deem necessary and effectual to obtain a redress of American grievances;and this province bind themselves to execute to the utmost of their power,all resolutions which the said Congress may adopt."

Delegates appointed by Convention,and subsequently approved by the General assembly.

Virginia."To represent the colony in general Congress,to be held,&c."Delegates appointed by Convention.

North Carolina."Such powers an may make any acts done by them,or any of them,or consent given in behalf of this province,obligatory in honor upon every inhabitant thereof,"Delegates appointed by Convention and approved in General Assembly.

South Carolina."To concert,agree to,and effectually prosecute such measures,as in the opinion of the said deputies,and the deputies to be assembled shall be most likely to obtain a redress of American grievances."Delegates appointed by Provincial Congress.In the copy of the Journals of Congress now before me,I do not find the credentials of the delegates from Rhode Island.They did not attend at the first meeting of Congress,although they did at the subsequent period.Georgia was not represented in this Congress until September,1775.

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