

I do not attempt to describe her ineffable loveliness, for, like the beauty of a flower, it was incapable of analysis.Nothing that Icould write would give you any adequate idea of this girl's seraphic face, for she was like unto no one you have ever seen in this cold Western world.I watched in a wild, nervous transport, I know not how long - time and space had no part in this new ecstasy of mine!

I could think of nothing, do nothing - only feel, - feel the hot blood deluge my brain only to fall back in scalding torrents upon my heart with a pain that was exquisite pleasure.

Suddenly she changed her step and executed a quick backward movement toward the water, stopping just as her heels touched the curb at the edge of the wharf; then forward, and again a quick return to the backward movement, but this time she mistook the distance, her heels struck the curb forcibly, and she was precipitated backward into the water.For a moment I stood as one petrified, unable to reason, much less to act; then the excited voices of the crowd recalled me.

They had thrown a rope into the water and were waiting for her to come to the surface and grasp it.The wall from which she had fallen must have been at least fifteen feet above the water, which was littered with broken spars, pieces of timber, and other odd bits of wood.It seemed as if she would never come to the surface, and when at length she did, she did not attempt to seize the rope thrown to her, but sank without a movement.The truth flashed upon me in an instant.She had struck her head against some of the floating drift and was unconscious! Something must be done at once.I seized the rope and sprang in after her, taking good care to avoid obstructions, and although, as you know, I never learned to swim, I succeeded in reaching her, and we were drawn up together.I bore her in my arms into one of the storerooms close by, and, laying her upon a bale of cotton, used such restoratives as could be quickly procured.

I was kneeling by her, my arm under her neck, in the act of raising her head, when she opened her eyes, and fastened them, full of wonderment, upon my face.A moment more, her memory returning to her, she made a little movement, as if to free herself.I was too excited then to heed it, and continued to support her head.She did not repeat the movement, but half closed her eyes and leaned back resignedly against my arm.If, I thought, these few minutes could be expanded into an eternity, it would be my idea of heaven.She was recovering rapidly now and soon raised herself into a sitting posture, saying, in very good English, "I think I can stand now, Sahib." I gave her my arm and assisted her to her feet.Her hand closed upon my sleeve as if to see how wet it was, and glancing at my dripping garments, she said simply: "You have been in the water, Sahib, and it is to you I owe my life.I shall never forget your kindness.She raised her eyes to my face and met my gaze for a moment, as she spoke.We are told that the eye is incapable of any expression save that lent it by the lids and brow, - that the eyeball itself, apart from its direction, and the changes of the pupil resulting from variations in the intensity of light, can carry no message whatsoever.This may be so, but, without any noticeable movement of the eyes that met mine, I learned with ineffable delight that this young girl's soul and mine were threaded upon the same cord of destiny.My emotion so overpowered me that I could not speak, and when my self-possession returned the young girl had vanished.

>From the height of bliss I now plunged into the abyss of despair.

I had let her go without a word.I did not even know her name.Ihad caught her to myself from the ocean only to suffer her to drown herself among the half-million inhabitants of Bombay.What must she think of me? I asked the wharfinger if he knew her, but he had never seen her before.All my other inquiries proved equally fruitless.

I wondered if she knew that I loved her, but hardiy dared to hope she had been able to correctly interpret my boorish conduct.Icould think of but one thing to do.If I did not know her name, neither did she know mine, and so if she desired a further acquaintance, she, like myself, must rely upon a chance meeting.

If she had detected my admiration for her she must know that I too would strive to meet her again.Where would she be most likely to expect me to look for her? Clearly at the same place we had met before, and at the same time of day.She might naturally think my duties called me there daily at that hour.I determined to be there at the same time the next day.

I arrived to find her there before me, anxiously peering at the passers-by.She was certainly looking for me, - there was ecstasy in the thought!

It is not necessary, my dear child, that I should describe the details of our love-******, for my present purpose is not merely to interest you, but rather to acquaint you with certain occurrences which I now deem it wise you should know.Time only intensified our love for each other, and for several months all went well.One serious obstacle to our union presented itself, - that of caste.

  • 不可刹那无此君


  • 笔法记


  • 说林上


  • 黄华集


  • 广百论本


  • 易烊千玺你说情话


  • 天行


  • 游戏王之讥笑恶魔


  • 快穿之白月光男神我可以


  • 链道


  • 你果然喜欢我


    作者第一次写文鸭,宫婧妤vs颜司明 《你果然喜欢我》又名《颜先生想要追回宫小姐》这是一个夫妻马甲多多的故事颜司明以为宫婧妤只是一个乡下来的拜金女,宫婧妤以为颜司明只是一个贪图美色的小总裁,可两个人万万没想到……对方都不简单颜司明:你不是个看上我的钱的拜金女吗?宫婧妤:你不是只会吃喝玩乐的小总裁吗?当颜司明发现其实自己喜欢宫婧妤后颜:妤妤我想要嘛宫:现在都还不是春天,少给我发情颜:妤妤我是真的喜欢你!宫:少来这套,你给我闭嘴颜:妤妤我爱你,么么宫:要不是你阅女无数,本小姐早就信了 本以为这样就完事了,颜司明万万没想到,自己的“前妻”马甲多多 当他发现在剧组弹琵琶的新女四号上宫婧妤时 “你不是啥都不会吗?” 当他看到在化学实验室研究毒药的宫婧妤时 “你不就是个调香师吗” 当他看到LAA员工恭恭敬敬地对待宫婧妤时 “你啥身份他们对你怎么客气?” ……(更多身份待各位挖掘哦) 女主马甲挺多,男主也是。女强男强1v1,绝对双洁 虽然有离婚,但是不虐,男主追妻火葬场文 开头已经火葬场,男主很快就开始追老婆了
  • 百鬼夜宴图


  • 六道天神


  • 修仙界之奇幻之旅


  • 天行

