

It chanced that there was present the exceptionally prepossessing maiden to whom this person has already referred.So varied and ornate were her attractions that it would be incompetent in one of my less than average ability to attempt an adequate portrayal.She had a light-coloured name with the letters so harmoniously convoluted as to be quite beyond my inferior power of pronunciation, so that if I wished to refer to her in her absence I had to indicate the one I meant by likening her to a full- blown chrysanthemum, a piece of rare jade, an ivory pagoda of unapproachable antiquity, or some other object of admitted grace.Even this description may scarcely convey to you the real extent of her elegant personality; but in her presence my internal organs never failed to vibrate with a most entrancing uncertainty, and even now, at the recollection of her virtuous demeanour, I am by no means settled within myself.

"Well," exclaimed this melodious vision, with sympathetic tact, "ifevery one is going to disown poor Hercules because he has eaten all our dinners, I shall be quite willing to have him, for he is a dzear ole loveykins, wasn't ums?" (This, O my immaculate and dignified sire, which I transcribe with faithful undeviation, appears to be the dialect of a remote province, spoken only by maidens--both young and of autumnal solitude-- under occasional mental stress; as of a native of Shan-si relapsing without consciousness into his uncouth tongue after passing a lifetime in the Capital.) "Don't you think so too, Mr.Kong?""When the sun shines the shadow falls, for truly it is said, 'To the faithful one even the voice of the corncrake at evening speaks of his absent love,'" replied this person, so engagingly disconcerted at being thus openly addressed by the maiden that he retained no delicate impression of what she said, or even of what he was replying, beyond an unassuming hope that the nature of his feelings might perchance be inoffensively revealed to her in the semblance of a discreet allegory.

"Perhaps," interposed a person of neglected refinement, turning towards the maiden, "you would like to have a corncrake also, to remind you of Mr.Kong?""I do not know what a corncrake is like," replied the maiden with commendable dignity."I do not think so, however, for I once had a pair of canaries, and I found them very unsatisfying, insipid creatures.But I should love to have a little dog I am sure, only Miss Blank won't hear of it.""Kong Ho," thought this person inwardly, "not in vain have you burnt joss sticks unceasingly, for the enchanting one has said into your eyes that she would love to partake of a little dog.Assuredly we have recently consumed the cold portion of sheep on more occasions than a strict honourableness could require of those who pay a stated sum at regular intervals, and the change would be a welcome one.As she truly says, the flavour even of canaries is trivial and insignificant by comparison." During the period of dinner--which consisted of eggs and green herbs of the field--this person allowed the contemplation to grow within him, and inspired by a most pleasant and disinterested ambition to carry out the expressed wishes of the one who had spoken, he determined that thematter should be unobtrusively arranged despite the mercenary opposition of the Maidens Blank.

This person had already learned by experience that dogs are rarely if ever exposed for sale in the stalls of the meat venders, the reason doubtless being that they are articles of excessive luxury and reserved by law for the rich and powerful.Those kept by private persons are generally closely guarded when they approach a desirable condition of body, and the hound Hercules would not prove an attractive dish to those who had known him in life.Nevertheless, it is well said, "The Great Wall is unsurmountable, but there are many gaps through," and that same evening I was able to carry the first part of my well-intentioned surprise into effect.

  • 李义山诗集注


  • 自喜


  • 静春堂集


  • 熙朝新语


  • 两河经略


  • 从漫威开始穿越万界


    (轻松爽文) 因为意外事故,从而穿越到了漫威宇宙里,获得奇怪血清,因为接触宇宙魔方,被莫名其妙的传送到了另一个世界里,激活了一个系统,为了在漫威宇宙里活下去,只能在穿越中不断的变 在刀剑神域里和亚丝娜谈情说爱,在哪吒世界里坑太乙真人,骗敖丙,在白蛇起缘里,帮助小白化成蛟龙,在全职高手里泡苏沐橙…在尸兄里帮助小飞解救小微,救小惠…在从零开始的世界里,改变蕾姆和拉姆的命运…在成龙历险记里抢符咒,夺岁月史书…在倩女幽魂里跟宁采臣抢聂小倩…在铠甲勇士里拿五行石…打异能兽,在爱情公寓5里跟诸葛大力讨论杂七杂八的事情……。第一个世界:刀剑神域 第二个世界:哪吒之魔童降世 第三个世界:白蛇缘起 第四个世界:全职高手之荣耀巅峰 第五个世界:尸兄 第六个世界:从零开始的异世界生活 第七个世界:成龙历险记 第八个:倩女幽魂 第九个:铠甲勇士 第十个:爱情公寓5 第十一个:…… 第十二个:…… (PS:穿越的世界将会在书友交流群里,以大家投票与提出的意见进行选择。书友群:876712822)
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