

"Good! A little before Higgs came here, the Mayor, as he now is, poor, handsome, generous to a fault so far as he had the wherewithal, was adored by all the women of his own rank in Sunch'ston. Report said that he had adored many of them in return, but after having known me for a very few days, he asked me to marry him, protesting that he was a changed man. I liked him, as every one else did, but I was not in love with him, and said so; he said he would give me as much time as I chose, if I would not point-blank refuse him; and so the matter was left.

"Within a week or so Higgs was brought to the prison, and he had not been there long before I found, or thought I found, that Iliked him better than I liked Strong. I was a fool--but there! As for Higgs, he liked, but did not love me. If I had let him alone he would have done the like by me; and let each other alone we did, till the day before he was taken down to the capital. On that day, whether through his fault or mine I know not--we neither of us meant it--it was as though Nature, my dear, was determined that you should not slip through her fingers--well, on that day we took it into our heads that we were broken-hearted lovers--the rest followed. And how, my dearest boy, as I look upon you, can I feign repentance?

"My husband, who never saw Higgs, and knew nothing about him except the too little that I told him, pressed his suit, and about a month after Higgs had gone, having recovered my passing infatuation for him, I took kindly to the Mayor and accepted him, without telling him what I ought to have told him--but the words stuck in my throat. I had not been engaged to him many days before I found that there was something which I should not be able to hide much longer.

"You know, my dear, that my mother had been long dead, and I never had a sister or any near kinswoman. At my wits' end who I should consult, instinct drew me to Mrs. Humdrum, then a woman of about five-and-forty. She was a grand lady, while I was about the rank of one of my own housemaids. I had no claim on her; I went to her as a lost dog looks into the faces of people on a road, and singles out the one who will most surely help him. I had had a good look at her once as she was putting on her gloves, and I liked the way she did it. I marvel at my own boldness. At any rate, I asked to see her, and told her my story exactly as I have now told it to you.

"'You have no mother?' she said, when she had heard all.


"'Then, my dear, I will mother you myself. Higgs is out of the question, so Strong must marry you at once. We will tell him everything, and I, on your behalf, will insist upon it that the engagement is at an end. I hear good reports of him, and if we are fair towards him he will be generous towards us. Besides, Ibelieve he is so much in love with you that he would sell his soul to get you. Send him to me. I can deal with him better than you can.'""And what," said George, "did my father, as I shall always call him, say to all this?

"Truth bred chivalry in him at once. 'I will marry her,' he said, with hardly a moment's hesitation, 'but it will be better that Ishould not be put on any lower footing than Higgs was. I ought not to be denied anything that has been allowed to him. If I am trusted, I can trust myself to trust and think no evil either of Higgs or her. They were pestered beyond endurance, as I have been ere now. If I am held at arm's length till I am fast bound, Ishall marry Yram just the same, but I doubt whether she and I shall ever be quite happy.'

  • 太上洞神三皇传授仪


  • 祀义篇


  • 诸师圣诞冲举酌献仪


  • 史氏菊谱


  • 紫阳真人内传


  • 不要为小事生气


    英国著名作家迪斯雷利曾经说过:“为小事生气的人,生命是短暂的。” 本书收集了一些名人名言,仔细分析了生活中生气的原因和生气引发的后果,又结合一些生活中的实例论证了不要为小事生气的重要性,还将教给你学会不生气和妙用生气的方法。希望通过阅读此书,能让你受到一些启发,在生活中真正做到“不要为小事生气。” 人生是短暂的,所以,生活中不要因一些鸡毛蒜皮、微不足道的小事而耿耿于怀,为这些小事而浪费你的时间、耗费你的精力是不值得的。英国著名作家迪斯雷利曾经说过:“为小事生气的人,生命是短暂的。”如果你真正理解了这句话的深刻含义,那么你就不会再为一些不值得一提的小事情而生气了。 本书详细分析了人们日常生活中生气的原因和生气引发的不良后果,通过事例说明了不要为小事生气的重要性,还教会你消除生气的方法。希望通过阅读此书,能让你从中受益,在生活中真正做到“不为小事生气”,愿你有一个健康的身体,愿你每天都有一个好的心情。
  • 丧钟为谁而鸣(海明威文集)


  • 重生之逍遥惬意


  • 寒露狙凶


  • 我是昔日穿越者


  • 大明主


  • 可爱萌妃:总有逗比挑衅本宫


  • 量子剑神


  • 举手之劳的环保小事


  • 幻之墓地

