
第89章 University of Bergen



The University of Bergen (Norwegian: Universitetet i Bergen) is located in Bergen, Norway. Although founded as late as 1946, academic activity had taken place at Bergen Museum as far back as 1825. The University of Bergen is Norway’s urban university, with most of its premises concentrated in two areas. .rstadvollen is the University’s “health campus”, where dentistry, medicine and health-care lie close to the Haukeland and Haraldsplass university clinics. Other subjects—natural and social sciences, psychology, the arts and law—are taught at Nyg.rdsh.yden, a mixture of houses, shops and seats of learning. The University of Bergen is intricately woven into the geographical, historical and cultural framework of the city. The university has signed bilateral agreements with universities, research institutions and academic centres of excellence in all parts of the world.

System: The university has six faculties including: Faculty of Humanities (Centre for Medieval Studies; Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities; Centre for Women and Gender Research; Department of Archeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion ; Department of Foreign Languages (Arabic, English, French, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, German and single courses in Chinese ; Department of Linguistics, Literary and Aesthetical studies; Department of Philosophy and First Semester Studies; The Grieg Academy – Department of Music; Faculty of Law, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research; Centre for Geobiology; Centre for Pharmacy; CIPR—Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research; Department of Biology; Department of Chemistry; Department of Earth Science; Department of Informatics; Department of Mathematics; Department of Molecular Biology; Department of Physics and Technology; Geophysical Institute; Laboratory for Electron Microscopy; School Science Center), Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry (Centre for International Health; Dental University Hospital; Department of Clinical Dentistry; Department of Clinical Medicine; Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care; Department of Surgical Sciences; Institute of Medicine; Laboratory Animal Facility; The Department of Biomedicine; The Gade Institute); Faculty of Psychology(Faculty of Social Sciences; Department of Administration and Organization Theory; Department of Comparative Politics; Department of Economics; Department of Geography; Department of Information Science and Media Studies Department of Social Anthropology; Department of Sociology; Centre for Development Studies; Centre for Gender Studies; Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies).

City show: Bergen is a city and municipality in Hordaland on the west coast of Norway. The city is an international centre for aquaculture, shipping, offshore petroleum industry and subsea technology, and a national centre for higher education, tourism and finance. The Bergen International Music Festival, held each year at the end of May, is of real importance. Many famous orchestras, ballet companies and theatre ensembles have participated over the years.


dentistry [.dent.stri] n. 牙科学

clinic [.kl.n.k] n. 诊所

intricately [..ntr.k.tl.] ad. 杂乱地

ballet [.b.le.] n. 芭蕾舞






The person will not lose oneself so long as not lose the direction.


The important line in life is not the position which stands,but the direction which faces.


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