

1.A shop-keeper was once in great trouble.He was waiting for letters which were bringing him some money.But day after day passed and no letters came.

2.At last he asked the postman if he knew anything about them.The postman said,“I put all your letters into the hole in your door.You should get a letter-box.”

3.The shop-keeper,you see,had only a smallslit in the door.When letters were put into it,they fell down on the floor of the shop.

4.The poor man did not know what to do.He needed the money very much.He knew that it had been sent to him;and the postman said that he had put all his letters down the hole in the door.

5.It was ver y strange.What could have become of the letters?A few days passed,and then other letters were missed.

6.At last the shop-keeper made up his mind to sit up all night,and see if he could find out what became of his letters.

7.Just as it began to get dark he heard the postman’s step.Down on the floor fell,one,two,three letters.

8.The watcher left them there.Hour after hour passed,the clock struck twelve.Still the letters lay as they had fallen.

9.But hark!There was a sound near the door.Then something moved slowly to where the letters lay.One was lifted and carried off.Then a second letter was lifted,and then a third.

10.There was the thief!

Can you guess who it was?A rat!

11.His nest was just under the floor.The wood was torn up,and there lay thirty letters and some newspapers!

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