
第1章 Praise for Extraordinary PR, Ordinary Budget

"When we worked together in the Forward Together Moral Monday movement, Jennifer Farmer skillfully heard me. She allowed me to be myself while highlighting for me and the North Carolina NAACP team foundational communications techniques."

-Rev. Dr. William J. Barber, President, North Carolina State Conference of the NAACP, and architect of the Forward Together Moral Movement

"Jennifer Farmer is one of the smartest and most talented communicators I know. She's passionate, knowledgeable, and relatable about her work. Plus, when we spent time together, she made sure I never ate alone."

-Ari Berman, Contributing Writer, The Nation

"Extraordinary PR, Ordinary Budget is a practical and detailed guide for building and nurturing relationships with the media, relationships that will position your organization to make a lasting impact. This book is beyond helpful; it's necessary."

-Judith Browne Dianis, Executive Director, Advancement Project National Office

"The noise in the public square is deafening. And yet, more than ever, the ability to penetrate that noise so that your story can be heard is critical to successfully contesting for power. Jennifer defines a way to think and steps to take to insure your voice is heard. This book, filled with wisdom and practicality, is delivered with humor and passion."

-Scott Reed, Executive Director, PICO National Network

"I loved this book. It is smart, practical, and filled with personal examples that underscore the author's central message: there are concrete things you can do to promote your organization with or without a large budget. Extraordinary PR, Ordinary Budget is required reading for anyone wishing to use strategic communications to make a difference."

-Celinda Lake, Principal, Lake Research Partners

"Extraordinary PR, Ordinary Budget is one of those rare books that is straightforward and poignant. It guides readers in crafting an effective and executable PR strategy-all on a budget! This is required reading from a trusted PR expert!"

-Becky Williams, President, SEIU 1199 WV/KY/OH

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