
第549章 The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes(21)

“What! Give it up? Give up a hundred thousand quid?”

“It’s one or the other.”

Merton scratched his short-cropped pate.

“He’s alone in there. Let’s do him in. If his light were out weshould have nothing to fear.”

The Count shook his head.

“He is armed and ready. If we shot him we could hardly get awayin a place like this. Besides, it’s likely enough that the police knowwhatever evidence he has got. Hallo! What was that?”

There was a vague sound which seemed to come from thewindow. Both men sprang round, but all was quiet. Save for theone strange figure seated in the chair, the room was certainlyempty.

“Something in the street,” said Merton. “Now look here, guv’nor,you’ve got the brains. Surely you can think a way out of it. Ifslugging is no use then it’s up to you.”

“I’ve fooled better men than he,” the Count answered. “Thestone is here in my secret pocket. I take no chances leaving itabout. It can be out of England to-night and cut into four piecesin Amsterdam before Sunday. He knows nothing of Van Seddar.”

“I thought Van Seddar was going next week.”

“He was. But now he must get off by the next boat. One or otherof us must slip round with the stone to Lime Street and tell him.”

“But the false bottom ain’t ready.”

“Well, he must take it as it is and chance it. There’s not a momentto lose.” Again, with the sense of danger which becomes an instinctwith the sportsman, he paused and looked hard at the window. Yes,it was surely from the street that the faint sound had come.

“As to Holmes,” he continued, “we can fool him easily enough.

You see, the damned fool won’t arrest us if he can get the stone.

Well, we’ll promise him the stone. We’ll put him on the wrongtrack about it, and before he finds that it is the wrong track it willbe in Holland and we out of the country.”

“That sounds good to me!” cried Sam Merton with a grin.

“You go on and tell the Dutchman to get a move on him. I’ll seethis sucker and fill him up with a bogus confession. I’ll tell himthat the stone is in Liverpool. Confound that whining music; itgets on my nerves! By the time he finds it isn’t in Liverpool it willbe in quarters and we on the blue water. Come back here, out of aline with that keyhole. Here is the stone.”

“I wonder you dare carry it.”

“Where could I have it safer? If we could take it out of Whitehallsomeone else could surely take it out of my lodgings.”

“Let’s have a look at it.”

Count Sylvius cast a somewhat unflattering glance at hisassociate and disregarded the unwashed hand which was extendedtowards him.

“What—d’ye think I’m going to snatch it off you? See here,mister, I’m getting a bit tired of your ways.”

“Well, well, no offence, Sam. We can’t afford to quarrel. Comeover to the window if you want to see the beauty properly. Nowhold it to the light! Here!”

“Thank you!”

With a single spring Holmes had leaped from the dummy’schair and had grasped the precious jewel. He held it now in onehand, while his other pointed a revolver at the Count’s head. Thetwo villains staggered back in utter amazement. Before they hadrecovered Holmes had pressed the electric bell.

“No violence, gentlemen—no violence, I beg of you! Considerthe furniture! It must be very clear to you that your position is animpossible one. The police are waiting below.”

The Count’s bewilderment overmastered his rage and fear.

“But how the deuce——?” he gasped.

“Your surprise is very natural. You are not aware that a seconddoor from my bedroom leads behind that curtain. I fancied thatyou must have heard me when I displaced the figure, but luckwas on my side. It gave me a chance of listening to your racyconversation which would have been painfully constrained hadyou been aware of my presence.”

The Count gave a gesture of resignation.

“We give you best, Holmes. I believe you are the devil himself.”

“Not far from him, at any rate,” Holmes answered with a politesmile.

Sam Merton’s slow intellect had only gradually appreciated thesituation. Now, as the sound of heavy steps came from the stairsoutside, he broke silence at last.

“A fair cop!” said he. “But, I say, what about that bloomin fiddle!

I hear it yet.”

“Tut, tut!” Holmes answered. “You are perfectly right. Let itplay! These modern gramophones are a remarkable invention.”

There was an inrush of police, the handcuffs clicked and thecriminals were led to the waiting cab. Watson lingered withHolmes, congratulating him upon this fresh leaf added to hislaurels. Once more their conversation was interrupted by theimperturbable Billy with his card-tray.

“Lord Cantlemere sir.”

“Show him up, Billy. This is the eminent peer who representsthe very highest interests,” said Holmes. “He is an excellent andloyal person, but rather of the old régime. Shall we make himunbend? Dare we venture upon a slight liberty? He knows, we mayconjecture, nothing of what has occurred.”

The door opened to admit a thin, austere figure with a hatchetface and drooping mid-Victorian whiskers of a glossy blacknesswhich hardly corresponded with the rounded shoulders and feeblegait. Holmes advanced affably, and shook an unresponsive hand.

“How do you do, Lord Cantlemere? It is chilly for the time ofyear, but rather warm indoors. May I take your overcoat?”

“No, I thank you; I will not take it off.”

Holmes laid his hand insistently upon the sleeve.

“Pray allow me! My friend Dr. Watson would assure you thatthese changes of temperature are most insidious.”

His Lordship shook himself free with some impatience.

“I am quite comfortable, sir. I have no need to stay. I havesimply looked in to know how your self-appointed task wasprogressing.”

“It is difficult—very difficult.”

“I feared that you would find it so.”

There was a distinct sneer in the old courtier’s words andmanner.

“Every man finds his limitations, Mr. Holmes, but at least itcures us of the weakness of self-satisfaction.”

“Yes, sir, I have been much perplexed.”

“No doubt.”

“Especially upon one point. Possibly you could help me upon it?”

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