
第32章 CHAPTER VI.(4)

Cheerful and contented with the exercise of work,he would have been happy but for the gradual haunting of another dread which presently began to drag him at earlier hours up the steep path to his little home;to halt him before the door with the quickened breath of an anxiety he would scarcely confess to himself,and sometimes hold him aimlessly a whole day beneath his roof.For the pretty but delicate Mrs.Harcourt,like others of her class,had added a weak and ineffective maternity to their other conjugal trials,and one early dawn a baby was born that lingered with them scarcely longer than the morning mist and exhaled with the rising sun.The young wife regained her strength slowly,--so slowly that the youthful husband brought his work at times to the house to keep her company.And a singular change had come over her.She no longer talked of the past,nor of his family.As if the little life that had passed with that morning mist had represented some ascending expiatory sacrifice,it seemed to have brought them into closer communion.

Yet her weak condition made him conceal another trouble that had come upon him.It was in the third month of his employment on the "Clarion"that one afternoon,while correcting some proofs on his chief's desk,he came upon the following editorial paragraph:--"The played-out cant of 'pioneer genius'and 'pioneer discovery'appears to have reached its climax in the attempt of some of our contemporaries to apply it to Dan Harcourt's new Tasajara Job before the legislature.It is perfectly well known in Harcourt's own district that,far from being a pioneer and settler HIMSELF he simply succeeded after a fashion to the genuine work of one Elijah Curtis,an actual pioneer and discoverer,years before,while Harcourt,we believe,was keeping a frontier doggery in Sidon,and dispensing 'tanglefoot'and salt junk to the hayfooted Pike Countians of his precinct.This would make him as much of the 'pioneer discoverer'as the rattlesnake who first takes up board and lodgings and then possession in a prairie dog's burrow.And if the traveler's tale is true that the rattlesnake sometimes makes a meal of his landlord,the story told at Sidon may be equally credible that the original pioneer mysteriously disappeared about the time that Dan Harcourt came into the property.From which it would seem that Harcourt is not in a position for his friends to invite very deep scrutiny into his 'pioneer'achievements."Stupefaction,a vague terror,and rising anger,rapidly succeeded each other in the young man's mind as he stood mechanically holding the paper in his hand.It was the writing of his chief editor,whose easy brutality he had sometimes even boyishly admired.

Without stopping to consider their relative positions he sought him indignantly and laid the proof before him.The editor laughed.

"But what's that to YOU?YOU'RE not on terms with the old man.""But he is my father!"said John Milton hotly.

"Look here,"said the editor good-naturedly,"I'd like to oblige you,but it isn't BUSINESS,you know,--and this IS,you understand,--PROPRIETOR'S BUSINESS too!Of course I see it might stand in the way of your ****** up to the old man afterwards and coming in for a million.Well!you can tell him it's ME.Say IWOULD put it in.Say I'm nasty--and I AM!""Then it must go in?"said John Milton with a white face.

"You bet."

"Then I must go out!"And writing out his resignation,he laid it before his chief and left.

But he could not bear to tell this to his wife when he climbed the hill that night,and he invented some excuse for bringing his work home.The invalid never noticed any change in his usual buoyancy,and indeed I fear,when he was fairly installed with his writing materials at the foot of her bed,he had quite forgotten the episode.He was recalled to it by a faint sigh.

"What is it,dear?"he said looking up.

"I like to see you writing,Milty.You always look so happy.""Always so happy,dear?"

"Yes.You are happy,are you not?"

"Always."He got up and kissed her.Nevertheless,when he sat down to his work again,his face was turned a little more to the window.

Another serious incident--to be also kept from the invalid--shortly followed.The article in the "Clarion"had borne its fruit.The third day after his resignation a rival paper sharply retorted.

  • 轮回使命:刺杀时代


  • 做个积极向上的人


  • 三生有幸0a


  • 穿成女主她哥的心尖宠


    宋姣怎么也没有想到会因为见义勇为而穿进一本她看过的小说里,还成了小说中得不到男主而抑郁死亡的恶毒女配!有003系统的帮忙,手握本书情节,宋姣对此表示:男主谁爱要谁要,做一个独自美丽的白富美她不香吗?于是宋姣为了早日完成任务,走上人生巅峰。她暗戳戳的总想刷女主的好感值。机会终于来了!开学第一天就和女主成为了同桌,一定要抓住这个机会刷好感值! 奔着刷女主好感值的她,丝毫没有注意到女主她哥看她的眼神,宠溺且偏执。到最后成为女主的嫂子的时候,宋姣表示她需要捋一捋。沈·真大佬·宠妻狂魔·傅筠:老婆还要捋什么?需要我帮忙吗?宋·被宠大宝贝·成功走向人生巅峰·姣:!什么都不需要!宋姣他爹:宝贝就应该好好想想,不要这么草率的和大灰狼在一起。宋姣她的哥哥们:就是就是!
  • 他的白鸽


  • 诗人玉屑


  • 女王陛下驯夫记


  • 家有萌系小妹


  • 相思何了


  • 天行

