

"Yes," he answered, somewhat agitated; "it is the right of every housekeeper--I understand you.""It is also clear to me," cried Frau von Werrig, with difficulty suppressing her wrath. "But I will await the decisive word, and see whether it is possible for a daughter to have the insolent presumption to drive he mother from her house!""I have already informed you that I have no mother, and that no one has the right to call me daughter. If you await my decision, you shall now hear it; you are not included among those that I wish to receive in my house!""Ah, dear Marie, you are cruel!" cried her husband, quite frightened.

"She is a degenerate, good-for-nothing creature!" cried the mother.

"If I am so, who has caused it but you, both of you? Who broke my heart, and crushed it under foot until it ceased to feel, and turned to stone? Bear the consequences of your cruelty and heartlessness! Icannot change it, and I repeat, Frau von Werrig has not the right to enter this house, or to remain here any longer!"Scalding tears fell from the mother's eyes as she shrieked, "She drives me from her house!""I am only treating you as you behaved to one of the noblest and best of men," replied Marie, voice and look betraying her deep feeling. "You thrust from your door, with scorn and contempt, a man worthy of your esteem and recognition, although you knew that my heart was breaking. I am only following your example and exercising my just rights, and am less guilty than you are, as neither of us has need of the respect or esteem of the other.""Can you suffer this, my son? Do you allow any one in your presence to treat me so shamefully? After all, it is your house; do speak and exercise your right as master here: tell your wife that I am her mother, and you, my adopted son, who bears my name, and that I have the just right to come here as often as it pleases me.""Speak your mind to Frau von Werrig," said Marie, as Ebenstreit remained silent. "Decide which shall remain, as one or the other of us must leave; you are perfectly free to choose.""Then, naturally, there is no choice left me," replied Ebenstreit, despondingly. "I declare myself for my wife, of course, who is the noblest and proudest beauty in Berlin, and will make my house the centre of attraction to the aristocracy, nobility, and wealth. This is my greatest pride, and to secure this I wooed my beautiful bride, and have submitted to all the sorrow and humiliation which have been my portion. If I must choose between the mother and daughter, Inaturally prefer the latter."

  • 别输在说话上


    你是不明白为什么领导上午还对你和颜悦色,下午就对你声色俱厉?你是否不明白领导为什么说话总是意味深长、话中有话?你是否想读懂领导的话中话?你是否想获得领导的赏识?得民心者得天下,得龙心者得高升。每个身在职场的人,都希望自己拥有一副好口才,与领导交谈时,能够口绽莲花。好口才不光靠天分,还需要后天的学习和练习,只有这样才可能拥有良好的沟通能力和口才技巧,让自己的职业生涯更加顺畅。刘彦彦编著的《别输在说话上》教授有效说服沟 通的十大要领,滴水不露的语言艺术。
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