
第30章 CHAPTER VI(4)

The Countess greeted him indeed with an appearance of cordiality,which seemed a complete amnesty for whatever she might have to complain of.She rose from her seat,and advanced two steps towards him,holding forth her hand as she said,Master Richard Varney,you brought me this morning such welcome tidings,that Ifear surprise and joy made me neglect my lord and husband's charge to receive you with distinction.We offer you our hand,sir,in reconciliation.I am unworthy to touch it,said Varney,dropping on one knee,save as a subject honours that of a prince.He touched with his lips those fair and slender fingers,so richly loaded with rings and jewels;then rising,with graceful gallantry,was about to hand her to the chair of state,when she said,No,good Master Richard Varney,I take not my place there until my lord himself conducts me.I am for the present but a disguised Countess,and will not take dignity on me until authorized by him whom I derive it from.I trust,my lady,said Foster,that in doing the commands of my lord your husband,in your restraint and so forth,I have not incurred your displeasure,seeing that I did but my duty towards your lord and mine;for Heaven,as holy writ saith,hath given the husband supremacy and dominion over the wife--I think it runs so,or something like it.I receive at this moment so pleasant a surprise,Master Foster,answered the Countess,that I cannot but excuse the rigid fidelity which secluded me from these apartments,until they had assumed an appearance so new and so splendid.Ay lady,said Foster,it hath cost many a fair crown;and that more need not be wasted than is absolutely necessary,I leave you till my lord's arrival with good Master Richard Varney,who,as Ithink,hath somewhat to say to you from your most noble lord and husband.--Janet,follow me,to see that all be in order.No,Master Foster,said the Countess,we will your daughter remains here in our apartment--out of ear-shot,however,in case Varney bath ought to say to me from my lord.Foster made his clumsy reverence,and departed,with an aspect which seemed to grudge the profuse expense which had been wasted upon changing his house from a bare and ruinous grange to an Asiastic palace.When he was gone,his daughter took her embroidery frame,and went to establish herself at the bottom of the apartment;while Richard Varney,with a profoundly humble courtesy,took the lowest stool he could find,and placing it by the side of the pile of cushions on which the Countess had now again seated herself,sat with his eyes for a time fixed on the ground,and in pro-found silence I thought,Master Varney,said the Countess,when she saw he was not likely to open the conversation,that you had something to communicate from my lord and husband;so at least I understood Master Foster,and therefore I removed my waiting-maid.If I am mistaken,I will recall her to my side;for her needle is not so absolutely perfect in tent and cross-stitch,but that my superintendence is advisable.Lady,said Varney,Foster was partly mistaken in my purpose.

It was not FROM but OF your noble husband,and my approved and most noble patron,that I am led,and indeed bound,to speak.The theme is most welcome,sir,said the Countess,whether it be of or from my noble husband.But be brief,for I expect his hasty approach.Briefly then,madam,replied Varney,and boldly,for my argument requires both haste and courage--you have this day seen Tressilian?I have,sir and what of that?answered the lady somewhat sharply.

Nothing that concerns me,lady,Varney replied with humility.

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    玄幻组的扑街作者穿越了,如今是手拿日月摘星辰;科幻组的扑街作者穿越了,如今是诸天万界任我行;历史组的扑街作者穿越了,如今是裂土封王乐逍遥;二次元的扑街作者穿越了,如今已经是左拥右抱满后宫……皮熊穿越了,他开始思考——我曾经在玄幻组挣扎求生,也曾在科幻组瑟瑟发抖,还曾在历史组浑水摸鱼,更曾在二次元组卖萌耍贱,最不堪回首的是!我为了谋生还曾开了个人妖号在女频撒娇嘤嘤嘤!那——我算什么组的?所以,我的金手指呢?皮熊觉得他爹妈给他取的这个名字耽误了金手指的到来!又皮又熊是闹哪样!咋不叫皮卡丘呢!皮熊坐在半焦的大柳树根下唉声叹气,自暴自弃。这棵树不是柳神,不是所有被雷劈过的柳树都是柳神!“穿越三十年,在这个玄幻,奇幻,科幻,二次元,霸道王爷爱上我各种剧情都有的神奇世界,我终于从贾大户家的小厮变成了贾大户家的二管家。”“我叫皮熊,曾经是个扑街作者。以后别叫我扑街作者,我给扑街作者丢人了。” 但是,当皮熊走进穿越者展览馆,看见诸位穿越者前辈的遗体时…… “前辈的馈赠:福神降临。” “前辈的馈赠:欧皇在世。” “前辈的馈赠:运气爆棚。” 皮熊:……