
第147章 CHAPTER XXX(1)

Now bid the steeple rock--she comes,she comes!--Speak for us,bells--speak for us,shrill-tongued tuckets.

Stand to thy linstock,gunner;let thy cannon Play such a peal,as if a paynim foe Came stretch'd in turban'd ranks to storm the ramparts.

We will have pageants too--but that craves wit,And I'm a rough-hewn soldier.THE VIRGIN QUEEN--A TRAGI-COMEDY.

Tressilian,when Wayland had left him,as mentioned in the last chapter,remained uncertain what he ought next to do,when Raleigh and Blount came up to him arm in arm,yet,according to their wont,very eagerly disputing together.Tressilian had no great desire for their society in the present state of his feelings,but there was no possibility of avoiding them;and indeed he felt that,bound by his promise not to approach Amy,or take any step in her behalf,it would be his best course at once to mix with general society,and to exhibit on his brow as little as he could of the anguish and uncertainty which sat heavy at his heart.He therefore made a virtue of necessity,and hailed his comrades with,All mirth to you,gentlemen!Whence come ye?From Warwick,to be sure,said Blount;we must needs home to change our habits,like poor players,who are fain to multiply their persons to outward appearance by change of suits;and you had better do the like,Tressilian.Blount is right,said Raleigh;the Queen loves such marks of deference,and notices,as wanting in respect,those who,not arriving in her immediate attendance,may appear in their soiled and ruffled riding-dress.But look at Blount himself,Tressilian,for the love of laughter,and see how his villainous tailor hath apparelled him--in blue,green,and crimson,with carnation ribbons,and yellow roses in his shoes!Why,what wouldst thou have?said Blount.I told the cross-legged thief to do his best,and spare no cost;and methinks these things are gay enough--gayer than thine own.I'll be judged by Tressilian.I agree--I agree,said Walter Raleigh.Judge betwixt us,Tressilian,for the love of heaven!Tressilian,thus appealed to,looked at them both,and was immediately sensible at a single glance that honest Blount had taken upon the tailor's warrant the pied garments which he had chosen to make,and was as much embarrassed by the quantity of points and ribbons which garnished his dress,as a clown is in his holiday clothes;while the dress of Raleigh was a well-fancied and rich suit,which the wearer bore as a garb too well adapted to his elegant person to attract particular attention.

Tressilian said,therefore,That Blount's dress was finest,but Raleigh's the best fancied.Blount was satisfied with his decision.I knew mine was finest,he said;if that knave Doublestitch had brought me home such a ****** doublet as that of Raleigh's,I would have beat his brains out with his own pressing-iron.Nay,if we must be fools,ever let us be fools of the first head,say I.But why gettest thou not on thy braveries,Tressilian?said Raleigh.

I am excluded from my apartment by a silly mistake,said Tressilian,and separated for the time from my baggage.I was about to seek thee,to beseech a share of thy lodging.And welcome,said Raleigh;it is a noble one.My Lord of Leicester has done us that kindness,and lodged us in princely fashion.If his courtesy be extorted reluctantly,it is at least extended far.I would advise you to tell your strait to the Earl's chamberlain--you will have instant redress.Nay,it is not worth while,since you can spare me room,replied Tressilian--I would not be troublesome.Has any one come hither with you?Oh,ay,said Blount;Varney and a whole tribe of Leicestrians,besides about a score of us honest Sussex folk.We are all,it seems,to receive the Queen at what they call the Gallery-tower,and witness some fooleries there;and then we're to remain in attendance upon the Queen in the Great Hall--God bless the mark!

--while those who are now waiting upon her Grace get rid of their slough,and doff their riding-suits.Heaven help me,if her Grace should speak to me,I shall never know what to answer!And what has detained them so long at Warwick?said Tressilian,unwilling that their conversation should return to his own affairs.

Such a succession of fooleries,said Blount,as were never seen at Bartholomew-fair.We have had speeches and players,and dogs and bears,and men ****** monkeys and women moppets of themselves--I marvel the Queen could endure it.But ever and anon came in something of 'the lovely light of her gracious countenance,'or some such trash.Ah!vanity makes a fool of the wisest.But come,let us on to this same Gallery-tower--though I see not what thou Tressilian,canst do with thy riding-dress and boots.

I will take my station behind thee,Blount,said Tressilian,who saw that his friend's unusual finery had taken a strong hold of his imagination;thy goodly size and gay dress will cover my defects.And so thou shalt,Edmund,said Blount.In faith I am glad thou thinkest my garb well-fancied,for all Mr.Wittypate here;for when one does a foolish thing,it is right to do it handsomely.So saying,Blount cocked his beaver,threw out his leg,and marched manfully forward,as if at the head of his brigade of pikemen,ever and anon looking with complaisance on his crimson stockings,and the huge yellow roses which blossomed on his shoes.Tressilian followed,wrapt in his own sad thoughts,and scarce minding Raleigh,whose quick fancy,amused by the awkward vanity of his respectable friend,vented itself in jests,which he whispered into Tressilian's ear.

  • 诗经稗疏


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    Henry IV

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    河谷地带、沙漠王国,百门之都底比斯里,十八岁的法老王刚刚登上帝位。一场意外、莫名穿越,来自现代的理科生,决心用二十一世纪的知识改变时代。***** 本文为上古漫画《王家的纹章》即《尼罗河女儿》(此为盗版名)同人文。 原女主凯罗尔不出场,曼菲士彻底改人设。 没看过漫画原作直接看本文不受任何影响。 本文女主玩不来称霸天下的事情,想看这种设定,果断找别的作者即可。 ***** 嫌难看,就点叉,半个字也别留下。 不花钱,别BB,作者不欠你什么。 KY找骂,十倍反弹,还可百分百享受免费拉黑服务!
  • 一符遮天


  • 我只想再见你一面


  • 天波府

