

If we consider merely the subtlety of disquisition,the force of imagination,the perfect energy and elegance of expression,which characterize the great works of Athenian genius,we must pronounce them intrinsically most valuable.But what shall we say when we reflect that from hence have sprung,directly or indirectly,all the noblest creations of the human intellect;that from hence were the vast accomplishments and the brilliant fancy of Cicero,the withering fire of Juvenal,the plastic imagination of Dante,the humour of Cervantes,the comprehension of Bacon,the wit of Butler,the supreme and universal excellence of Shakespeare?

All the triumphs of truth and genius over prejudice and power,in every country and in every age,have been the triumphs of Athens.Wherever a few great minds have made a stand against violence and fraud,in the cause of liberty and reason,there has been her spirit in the midst of them;inspiring,encouraging,consoling;by the lonely lamp of Erasmus,by the restless bed of Pascal,in the tribune of Mirabeau,in the cell of Galileo,on the scaffold of Sidney.

But who shall estimate her influence on private happiness?Who shall say how many thousands have been made wiser,happier,and better,by those pursuits in which she has taught mankind to engage;to how manythe studies which took their rise from her have been wealth in poverty,liberty in bondage,health in sickness,society in solitude?

Her power is,indeed,manifested at the bar,in the senate,in the field of battle,in the schools of philosophy.But these are not her glory.Wherever literature consoles sorrow,or assuages pain;wherever it brings gladness to eyes which fail with wakefulness and tears,and ache for the dark house and the long sleep,there is exhibited,in its noblest form,the immortal influence of Athens.

The dervish,in the Arabian tale,did not hesitate to abandon to his comrade the camels with their loads of jewels and gold,while he retained the casket of that mysterious juice which enabled him to behold at one glance all the hidden riches of the universe.Surely it is no exaggeration to say that no external advantage is to be compared with that purification of the intellectual eye which gives us to contemplate the infinite wealth of the mental world,all the hoarded treasures of its primeval dynasties,all the shapeless ore of its yet unexplored mines.This is the gift of Athens to man.

Her freedom and her power have,for more than twenty centuries,been annihilated;her people have degenerated into timid slaves;her language,into a barbarous jargon;her temples have been given up to the successive depredations of Romans,Turks,and Scotchmen;but her intellectual empire is imperishable.

And when those who have rivalled her greatness shall have shared her fate;when civilization and knowledge shall have fixed their abode in distant continents;whenthe sceptre shall have passed away from England;when,perhaps,travellers from distant regions shall in vain labour to decipher on some mouldering pedestal the name of our proudest chief,shall hear savage hymns chaunted to some misshapen idol over the ruined dome of our proudest temple,and shall see a single naked fisherman wash his nets in the river of the ten thousand masts,her influence and her glory will still survive,fresh in eternal youth,exempt from mutability and decay,immortal as the intellectual principle from which they derived their origin,and over which they exercise their control.

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    法国当代有名评论家·索莱尔斯曾写道:“塞利纳凭借着自己炉火纯青的技艺留下了许多部杰作,譬如《一座城堡到另一座城堡》和《北方》,在我看来,这两本书超过了《茫茫黑夜漫游》和《死缓》。” 在《一座城堡到另一座城堡》中,塞利纳娓娓讲述自己穷困潦倒、备受诅咒的作家和医生生涯,他从巴黎的寓所逃往维希流亡政府所在地德国锡格马林根,以及在丹麦西部监狱里的种种遭遇和贫病交加的生活经历,用幻想的手法和黑色幽默的笔调描绘了包括贝当元帅、赖伐尔在内的“附敌分子”和“德国鬼子”滑稽可笑的众生相,同时也对戴高乐等政治人物,萨特、阿拉贡、罗歇·瓦扬等法国文坛主流作家进行了辛辣的讽刺和无情的鞭挞。像《茫茫黑夜漫游》一样,作品真切展示了一个阴森可怖、冷酷无情的鬼魅世界,深刻揭露了战争的残酷、疯狂、对生命的戕害和对人性的摧残。 《一座城堡到另一座城堡》既不是纯粹的小说,也不是纯粹的回忆录,它跟真实一直保持着距离,但又拒绝接近虚构,这正是塞利纳“德国流亡三部曲”的一大特色。此次出版的中译本,为靠前首译。
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