

This is the ship of pearl,which,poets feign,Sails the unshadowed main,The venturous bark that flingsOn the sweet summer wind its purpled wings In gulfs enchanted,where the Siren sings,And coral reefs lie bare,Where the cold seamaids rise to sun their streaming hair.

Its webs of living gauze no more unfurl;Wrecked is the ship of pearl!

And every chambered cell,

Where its dim dreaming life was wont to dwell,As the frail tenant shaped his growing shell,Before thee lies revealed,Its irised ceiling rent,its sunless crypt unsealed!

Year after year beheld the silent toil That spread his lustrous coil;Still,as the spiral grew,He left the past year’s dwelling for the new,Stole with soft step its shining archway through,Built up its idle door,Stretched in his lastfound home,and knew the old no more.Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee,Child of the wandering sea,Cast from her lap,forlorn!

From thy dead lips a clearer note is born That even Triton blew from wreathed horn!

While on mine ear it rings,

Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:Build thee more stately mansions,O my soul,As the swift seasons roll!

Leave thy lowvaulted past!

Let each new temple,nobler than the last,Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast,Till thou at length art free,Leaving thine outgrown shell by life‘s unresting sea!

第65章THE OPENING SCENE AT THE TRIAL OF WARREN HASTINGSOn the 13th of February,1788,the sittings of the Court commenced.There have been spectacles more dazzling to the eye,more gorgeous with jewelry and cloth of gold,more attractive to grownup children,than that which was then exhibited at Westminster;but,perhaps,there never was a spectacle so well calculated to strike a highly cultivated,a reflecting,an imaginative mind.All the various kinds of interest which belong to the near and to the distant,to the present and to the past,were collected on one spot and in one hour.All the talents and all the accomplishments which are developed by liberty and civilization were now displayed with every advantage that could be derived both from cooperation and from contrast.Every step in the proceedings carried the mind either backward,through many troubled centuries,to the days when the foundations of our constitution were laid;or far away,over boundless seas and deserts,to dusky nations living under strange stars,worshipping strange gods,and writing strange characters from right to left.The High Court of Parliament was to sit,according to forms handed down from the days of the Plantagenets,on an Englishman accused of exercising tyranny over the lord of the holy city of Benares and over the ladies of the princely house of Oude.

The place was worthy of such a trial.It was the great hall of William Rufus,the hall which had resounded with acclamations at the inauguration of thirty kings,the hall which had witnessed the just sentence of Bacon and the just absolution of Somers,the hall where the eloquence of Strafford had for a moment awed and melted a victorious party inflamed with just resentment,the hall where Charles had confronted the High Court of Justice with the placid courage which has half redeemed his fame.

Neither military nor civil pomp was wanting.The avenues were lined with grenadiers.The streets were kept clear by cavalry.The peers,robed in gold and ermine,were marshalled by the heralds under Garter KingatArms.The judges in their vestments of state attended to give advice on points of law.Near a hundred and seventy lords,three fourths of the Upper House,as the Upper House then was,walked in solemn order from their usual place of assembling to the tribunal.The junior Baronpresent led the way,George Eliott,Lord Heathfield,recently ennobled for his memorable defence of Gibraltar against the fleets and armies of France and Spain.The long procession was closed by the Duke of Norfolk,Earl Marshal of the realm,by the great dignitaries,and by the brothers and sons of the King.Last of all came the Prince of Wales,conspicuous by his fine person and noble bearing.

The gray old walls were hung with scarlet.The long galleries were crowded by an audience such as has rarely excited the fears or the emulation of an orator.There were gathered together,from all parts of a great,free,enlightened,and prosperous empire,grace and female loveliness,wit and learning,the representatives of every science and of every art.There were seated round the Queen,the fairhaired young daughters of the house of Brunswick.There the Ambassadors of great Kings and Commonwealths gazed with admiration on a spectacle which no other country in the world could present.There Siddons,in the prime of her majestic beauty,looked with emotion on a scene surpassing all the imitations of the stage.There the historian of the Roman Empire thought of the days when Cicero pleaded the cause of Sicily against Verres,and when,before a senate which still retained some show of freedom,Tacitus thundered against the oppressor of Africa.

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