

Heat!Ask that other boy,whose seat being nearest the door gave him opportunities of gliding out into the garden and driving his companions to madness by dipping his face into the bucket of the well and then rolling on the grassask him if there were ever such a day as that,when even the bees were diving deep down into the cups of flowers and stopping there,as if they had made up theirminds to retire from business and be manufacturers of honey no more.The day was made for laziness,and lying on one’s back in green places,and staring at the sky till its brightness forced one to shut one‘s eyes and go to sleep;and was this a time to be poring over musty books in a dark room,slighted by the very sun itself ?Monstrous!

The lessons over,writingtime began;and there being but one desk and that the master’s,each boy sat at it in turn and laboured at his crooked copy,while the master walked about.This was a quieter time;for he would come and look over the writer‘s shoulder,and tell him mildly to observe how such a letter was turned in such a copy on the wall,and bid him take it for his model.Then he wouldstop and tell them what the sick child had said last night,and how he had longed to be among them once again;and such was the schoolmaster’s gentle and affectionate manner that the boys seemed quite remorseful that they had worried him so much,and were absolutely quiet;eating no apples,cutting no names,inflicting no pinches,for full two minutes afterwards.

“I think,boys,”said the schoolmaster,when the clock struck twelve,“that I shall give an extra halfholiday this afternoon.”

At this intelligence the boys,led on and headed by the tall boy,raised a great shout,in the midst of which the master was seen to speak,but could not be heard.As he held up his hand,however,in token of his wish that they should be silent,they were considerate enough to leave off,as soon as the longestwinded among them were quite out of breath.

“You must promise me first,”said the schoolmaster,“that you‘ll not be noisy,or,at least,if you are,that you’ll go away and be soaway out of the village,I mean.I‘m sure you wouldn’t disturb your old playmate and companion.”

There was a general murmur in the negative.

“Then,pray,don‘t forgetthere’s my dear scholars,”said the schoolmaster“what I have asked you,and do it as a favour to me.Be as happy as you can,and likewise be mindful that you are blessed with health.Goodbye,all!”

“Thank you,sir,”and “Goodbye,sir,”were said a greatmany times in a variety of voices,and the boys went out very slowly and softly.

But there was the sun shining and there were the birds singing,as the sun only shines and the birds only sing on holidays and halfholidays;there were the trees waving to all free boys to climb and nestle among their leafy branches;the hay,entreating them to come and scatter it in the pure air;the green corn,gently beckoning toward wood and stream;the smooth ground rendered smootherstill by blending lights and shadows,inviting to runs and leaps,and long walks no one knows whither.It was more than boy could bear,and with a joyous whoop the whole company took to their heels and spread themselves about,shouting and laughing as they went.

“It‘s natural,thank heaven!”said the poor schoolmaster,looking after them.“I’m very glad they didn‘t mind me!”

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