
第27章 Unit Seven(3)

In 1943, Grace joined the US Naval Reserve.Thinking differently solved problems.One day in 1945, a Navy computer shut down.Grace and her co-workers found the first computer“ bug”. A moth had gotten stuck in the machine.Today we still call computer problems“bugs”.

During computers early years, scientists first wrote out computer instructions.Then they coded programs into numbers.Grace and her co-workers did not always want to do that boring job.Together they invented the compiler.It automatically puts programs into machine number code.

After World War Ⅱ, Grace stayed in the Naval Reserve.Grace worked with businesses, too.She helped develop UNIVAC, the first big business computer.Grace felt computers could help businesses a lot.She encouraged companies to try new ideas.

Businesses needed a better programming language.Grace s work formed the basis for COBOL.COBOL stands for “ Common-Business-Oriented-Language”. Many businesses still use COBOL.

Grace wanted other people to think differently, too.Large organizations like the Navy have many rules.Grace did not want these rules to hinder creativity.Thinking differently earned Grace many promotions and awards.In 1985, Grace became a Rear Admiral in the Navy.

“Amazing Grace”Murray Hopper died in 1992 at age 85.Five years later,the Navy named a high-tech ship after Grace.The ship is a tribute to Grace s creative thinking.

Remember Grace when you go online.Remember her too when you visit a bank, shop at a store, or check out a library book.Computers make all those businesses work better.Don t ever say, “ We ve always done it this way.”

There s always more than one way to do something.

1.The author s main purpose in writing this passage is Businesses needed a better programming language.Grace s work formed the basis for COBOL.COBOL stands for “ Common-Business-Oriented-Language”. Many businesses still use COBOL.

Grace wanted other people to think differently, too.Large organizations like the Navy have many rules.Grace did not want these rules to hinder creativity.Thinking differently earned Grace many promotions and awards.In 1985, Grace became a Rear Admiral in the Navy.

“Amazing Grace”Murray Hopper died in 1992 at age 85.Five years later,the Navy named a high-tech ship after Grace.The ship is a tribute to Grace s creative thinking.

Remember Grace when you go online.Remember her too when you visit a bank, shop at a store, or check out a library book.Computers make all those businesses work better.Don t ever say, “ We ve always done it this way.”

There s always more than one way to do something.

1.The author s main purpose in writing this passage is Businesses needed a better programming language.Grace s work formed the basis for COBOL.COBOL stands for “ Common-Business-Oriented-Language”. Many businesses still use COBOL.

Grace wanted other people to think differently, too.Large organizations like the Navy have many rules.Grace did not want these rules to hinder creativity.Thinking differently earned Grace many promotions and awards.In 1985, Grace became a Rear Admiral in the Navy.

“Amazing Grace”Murray Hopper died in 1992 at age 85.Five years later,the Navy named a high-tech ship after Grace.The ship is a tribute to Grace s creative thinking.

Remember Grace when you go online.Remember her too when you visit a bank, shop at a store, or check out a library book.Computers make all those businesses work better.Don t ever say, “ We ve always done it this way.”

There s always more than one way to do something.

1.The author s main purpose in writing this passage is to.

A.inform readers of the history of computers.

B.discuss the benefits of computers for businesses.

C.tell the readers about a pioneer in computer science.

D.persuade young people to create their own computer programs.

2.What effect did the moth that was stuck in the Navy computer have on the computer world?A.Computer speed was increased.

B.Computer problems came to be known as“bugs”.

C.A new computer language called“COBOL”was created.

D.New research was done to make the computer work simpler.

3.Which of the following best means“hinder”in the sentence,“Grace did not want these rules to hinder creativity”?


4.This passage was most likely written for.

A.college professors B.computer scientists.

C.the general public D.the military community.

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